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New to Yoga

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We know starting something new is intimidating, so we have you covered. With two different options. 

With either option, you will learn:

  • A basic understanding of what yoga is

  • What to expect in your first yoga class

  • What classes beginners should take

  • Basic yoga poses

  • Modifications for poses if you have injuries or aren’t flexible


More Information

The discipline of yoga is an approach to life with a focus on being fully present for each moment, rather than living in the future or in the past, as so many of us tend to do. Over the centuries, yoga techniques combining philosophy, study of the body and mind, and a practice of physical postures, breath work, and meditation were developed as pathways to the fully present, whole Self.


Yoga is much more than just a physical exercise. It can be your path to a more relaxed, centered, fulfilling lifestyle. However, at the same time it IS a great way to develop a strong, healthy body. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not just for the young, fit and flexible. At Nearme Yoga, we believe that everyone can do yoga!  We use props (straps, blocks, chairs, etc.) to make yoga postures accessible to anyone, regardless of flexibility, fitness level, injuries, age, or illness.


In addition, we work to balance the physical benefits of yoga with the relaxation benefits. In our modern society, we tend not to get enough exercise and never seem to have time to unwind and relax. We try to make sure we incorporate both into every yoga class. Our focus on making yoga accessible and comfortable, as well as incorporating relaxation techniques, ensure we meet our goal – which is to make sure that you walk out our door feeling better than when you walked in.


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Ask any seasoned yoga student about their first yoga class, and you’re likely to get a lot of smiles, laughs, and maybe even a few sighs. Most will tell you a similar story of feeling totally ridiculous, being two postures behind the teacher’s cues, and maybe even writing off yoga for good.


But then, they’ll also tell you the story of how much easier yoga gets. They might also tell you that their anxieties were totally misguided, and they can’t even comprehend why they were so nervous in the first place! At Nearme Yoga, we were once beginner yoga students — and one of our goals as a yoga studio is to remember this in order to truly support yoga students of all levels.

We all wish we had a “yoga for beginners” survival guide (not that yoga is anything to survive, we might add) before we took our first class, so we have created this list of frequently asked questions and answers as a resource for you.

Question: What should I bring to my first yoga class?

Answer: You don’t technically need to bring anything, but we do recommend wear something tight underneath your clothes. If you have a yoga mat, great. If not, don’t worry! We provide free mats with your drop in rate. Once you decide that yoga is for you invest in the right mat but until then try the "good" mats for $2 to figure out which is your favorite. 

Question: Where should I set up my mat?

Answer: As you’ll realize with most questions about yoga, the answer is usually, “it depends. Everyone is different.” In terms of mat set-up, this is totally true. When it comes to yoga for beginners, many people suggest being in the back of class. This way, you can watch other students and follow their lead. Also, you don’t have to worry about people staring at you (not that they would, but we know this is a concern).

You could also situate yourself closer to the door or ask the yoga teacher about the cooler spots in the studio. There really is no right answer. However, we do recommend arriving at least 15 minutes early so you can scope out the studio and situate your mat wherever you feel most comfortable.

Question: What if the class is too hard?

Answer: The best way to avoid this scenario is to look at our studio schedule and find a yoga for beginners class. If you have never tried yoga before — even if you’re athletic and have a fitness routine — we recommend our Alignment Flow class(Tuesdays at 5:30). You’ll benefit from a slower flow with more of a focus on alignment and foundational postures.

If this doesn’t fit into your schedule, you can also start out with any class since they are for All Levels,but be prepared to have experienced practitioners and other beginner yoga students in the same space.

If you find yourself in a hard class, give yourself permission to slow down. Rest in child’s pose and reap the benefits of mindful breathing.


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(570) 213-9642

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