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SHE Shame Healing sessions infused with reiki. 


Shamanic Healing Energy™ works with the etheric body to restore energy flow, and balance to the mind, body & Spirit, spontaneously.



Miracles are the manifestation of Nature in it’s purest form.


A lack of Miracles in your life is un-natural.


Shamanic Healing Energy™ (SHE) is a process that restores equilibrium to the energetic body, so that the vibrations which have become unbalanced by every day living, are realigned.  This is based on the ancient knowledge that illness in the physical body is caused by blockages or imbalances in energy flow.   These blockages and imbalances cause the energetic body to slow its vibration. Slow vibrations result in illness and disease. The process of SHE restores the natural flow to this energy field and raises personal frequency.


Many things affect the rate of vibration within the human body.  Each emotion that is felt creates a separate vibration in the human body; each thought we have creates a unique vibration, and these vibrations either create health or illness. 




SHE™ raises these energies.


All disease, let me repeat that; ALL DISEASE, can be healed in a matter of minutes.

It does not take time. It only takes alignment.

Volumes have been written about this fact, religions have been formed around it, and the big answer is: “Yes! You can be healed.”


Energy healing has been used for thousands of years in ancient civilizations. Healers from around the globe have used sound and color therapies, acupuncture, and reflexology principals to restore the flow of vital energy throughout the body and the entire energy system, (sometimes called ‘chi’ or ‘Qi’) of an individual.


In the United States today, acupuncture is becoming a much more common method for dealing with illness. Reiki, another form of energy healing, is being practiced by many energy practitioners in North America and Europe today. Massage therapy can be a simple form of hands on energy healing. There are many other examples of energy healing which offer some degree of effectiveness against illness, but none of them is complete. They are not able to cleanse the human cells, organs, and systems of the many toxins and invaders which are causing these health problems. 


SHE™ is complete. It is intuitive and Spirit led.


The new energies coming to the planet are raising our vibrational frequency  more and more each day. With Shamanic Healing Energy™ these new energies are making healing available to all of us. It does not conflict with any other healing system, but rather enhances it. If you are frustrated because you have tried energy therapies in the past, and you have changed your diet, and you have done what your doctor recommended, but you have not had complete healing, SHE will connect those efforts with your spirit. The SHE practitioner takes her instructions from your guides, her guides, and from the angels and ascended masters to bring about complete healing.


As Universal energy interacts with our personal energy fields, it boosts our innate ability to self-heal and evolve to a state of higher consciousness. It does this by creating a subtle shift in the recipient’s own energy that enables the natural brilliance of the soul to shine through. At the same time all negative thoughts, actions, and desires are released. As a result, recovery from illness, pain and other symptoms occur naturally. Relief from stress and a deep and enduring sense of peace and well being are the most common signs that the energy has been received and assimilated. The effects of receiving this energy, in a private or group session, are cumulative and can connect you personally to your guides and increase the intuitive abilities of the recipient more and more, session after session. 


SHE™ has benefited hundreds of people with every kind of health problem, including many “incurable” conditions.


The way to change any system is from the inside. 


To understand what I mean by that, here’s a quick analogy: If your PTA is disorganized and full of inefficient parents, the best way to fix it is to join. Then observe; really try to understand how things got so out of control. Then, when you understand the inner workings and they accept you as one of their own, begin to set things straight. You couldn’t possibly make a difference by charging in and demanding things be changed. Fighting doesn’t work. Ever.


The same tact must be taken with our physical health. Chronic, degenerate diseases cannot be fought. The war on cancer, for example, will not work, as evidenced by the fact that it’s not made a bit of difference in all the years we’ve waged it.


Here is where frequency comes in.


As an energy healer, I go into a patient’s energy (I join the club), and I observe the vibrational frequency thoroughly. I learn all about it without seeking to change a thing about it. Not yet, because I need to see all of it first and find it’s roots or origins. Once I see, feel and sometimes smell it completely – once I’m able to match my energy to the diseases frequency – I can begin to gently raise it up. I don’t exert force. Rather, I bring the Universal energy of pure love to it. Pure, white light, and this works.


It is not easy to bring in this energy, and it takes years of meditation and spiritual practice to be able to deliver this higher form of energy. However, if you feel a ‘calling’ to facilitate Shamanic Healing Energy, you can be taught the principals in our Becoming Shaman, Medical Intuition class.


There are three ways to receive Shamanic Healing Energy™: Psychic-Light


Shamanic Healing circle


One on one sessions


Distant healing


Contact Chelsea to book 570-213-YOGA



Some of the things you can expect from these sessions include:


* Opening of the heart center: this is closed in most of humanity and needs to be opened to embrace what is unfolding.


* Clearance of specific past life experiences (karma) in order to understand them and create room for healing.


* Reconnection with God, Source, the Great Spirit, to reawaken the ability to communicate with Angels and Guides at any time: we can all do this; we have just forgotten how.


* Restore communication with the Blessed Higher Self to receive guidance at any time.


* Helping the client to clarify their mission for this lifetime.


* Teaching the client how to communicate with their body, down to the cellular level if needed.


* Creating a special connection to the Archangels that will remain with them throughout this lifetime.


The content of each session varies based on the guidance the practitioner receives from Spirit.


Every session is different and each one is quite extraordinary.




This healing modality is truly unique for those who choose to avail themselves of this opportunity.


How to receive Shamanic Healing Energy™ right now!


A Shamanic Healing Energy™ session is a comprehensive reading of your aura, your chakras and a resetting and balancing of the entire energetic system. When balance is restored, healing and clarity of all kinds will return to you.


Distant Healing with SHE™ is just as effective as being there in person because everything takes place in the Universal plane, Whether or not we occupy the same room makes no difference to spirit.


Every session is different because everyone’s needs are different. I will get information about your physical and emotional states by connecting to your guides, then together, we will bring balance back by cleansing your connection to the Universal Source of all things.




Simply purchase a package and you will receive an email to coordinate the time of your SHE session.


Choose your Wellness Package


Prepare yourself for joyful surprises, blasts from the past, and above all, prepare to feel the kind of vibrancy many of us haven’t felt since childhood!


Comprehensive Consultation  1 session $75

30 Day Jump-Start Program  4 weekly sessions for the price of 3


90 Day Wellness Program 12 weekly sessions 

For $900 best value and guarantee for change 


You can make yourself well.  I can help.


In this comprehensive consultation, we will address your physical, mental and spiritual needs, with nutrition, supplements, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, etc., to restore wellness to the body, and we’ll use hypnosis and energy (SHE) to get to the root of ongoing, chronic conditions.

We will schedule your appointment once your order is processed.

You can make yourself well.

I can help.


In this comprehensive 30 day jump-start program, we will address your physical, mental and spiritual needs, with nutrition, supplements, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, etc., to restore wellness to the body.

Because the effects of these sessions is cumulative, each session will build upon the last to increase balance, clarity, and alignment.

This program includes four weekly sessions, which we will schedule by once your order is processed.

You can make yourself well.

I can help.



In this comprehensive 90 day program, we will address your physical, mental and spiritual needs, with nutrition, supplements, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, etc., to restore wellness to the body.

Because the effects of these sessions is cumulative, each session will build upon the last to increase balance, clarity, and alignment.

This program includes 12 weekly sessions, which we will schedule once your order is processed.

You can make yourself well.

I can help.

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Or Over The Phone:
(570) 213-9642

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